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Instagram: Ariel Swedroe – Shireen’s Favorite Things

iPod, iMac, iPhone, iWatch… Now the iShireen. @ShireenSandoval gets all 2001 but doesn’t care what Dave is doing. The fashion Fem-Bot is only interested in the cosmic couture creations of @swedroebyariel Catch the full story on #DecoDriveTV now on @WSVN / Channel 7 #Miami… #jamesWphoto #ShireensFavoriteThings 💃🏽📱 via IFTTT
Instagram Post
Intern Nick on precipitation amber alert yesterday. 🚥☔️ Making the world a better place, one dry strobe light at a time. ✨ #jamesWphoto #EmployeeOfTheYear2015 via IFTTT